Saturday, February 27, 2016


Oh my goodness! This year's geopets were ADORABLE!!! I loved each and every one... Well done! Bravo! Bravo! 

And when I'm not busy at school... Esli is keeping me VERY busy at home. 2 year olds are hard work! Ha!

Science Rocks!

Here are pics from our in-school field trip. Students LOVED searching for rocks and gems... Especially pretending they were in a dark, deep mine and wearing their cool headlamps!

So many pictures...

So little time... 
 Looking through my camera roll and it looks like I need to do a picture post! We do so many things and I forget all about the pictures! Take a look at our 3D shapes, Saturday school, written responses for reading group, and polar bear/penguin research with QR codes!